The Blocks Cometh

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Ansichten 110
Gerettet 273
Größe 2.93 M
Verlängerung .SWF
Breite 320
Höhe 480
Sterne 4
Play as multiple different characters, each with their own special skills to help them survive the onslaught of descending blocks. Keep climbing or...

Play as multiple different characters, each with their own special skills to help them survive the onslaught of descending blocks. Keep climbing or face certain death. Scramble up a treacherous chain of crates, boxes, and blocks to see how high you can reach. If there's no safe route, you can strategically destroy some of the blocks to open a route. Don't take too long to think about it, though. The blocks keep coming, and they only get faster as you ascend!

Left key Right key to move.
Up key to jump.
Space key to shoot.
P key to pause.

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