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Game Bugs

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Ansichten 622
Gerettet 536
Größe 340.98 K
Verlängerung .SWF
Breite 550
Höhe 400
Sterne 4
A turn-based strategy game of tactics and skill, similar to Worms. Blast away your rival tanks before they get you! Use various weapons such as the...

A turn-based strategy game of tactics and skill, similar to Worms. Blast away your rival tanks before they get you! Use various weapons such as the volcano bomb, small missile, and power-ups to gain the upper-hand. Carefully position yourself and aim your weapons just right. The environment is fully destructible, so use that to your advantage!

Left key Right key to move.
Up key Down key to move cannon.
Q key W key to change weapon.
Space key to fire.

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