League Of Chaos Hacked

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Ansichten 219
Gerettet 492
Größe 8.64 M
Verlängerung .SWF
Breite 640
Höhe 480
Sterne 4
Hacked: All upgrades add more. Mankind has been traveling through a cloud. The sky has been dark ever since the war began. Its time for mankind to...

Hacked: All upgrades add more.

Mankind has been traveling through a cloud. The sky has been dark ever since the war began. Its time for mankind to end the war before the war puts an end to mankind. League Of Chaos is a sideview strategy game aliek Epic war, with a controllable and progressive hero character and sci-fi theme.


A and D keys to move. W to teleport and S to fire. Press the numkeys 1-9 to spawn troops.

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